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General Troubleshooting Commands

Posted: Wed Mar 22, 2023 11:32 am
by chris
isi status (general overview of cluster)
isi_gather_info (isilon equivalent of an autosupport, gathers all the logs and config and FTP to isilon support)

isi_gather_info -T /<path> (if /ifs is marked read-only this will allow you to bypass)

isi zone zones list (list all access zones)

**many commands you will have to add --zone <zone name> to the end of the command

isi smb shares list (list all smb/cifs shares)

isi nfs exports list (list all nfs exports and paths)

isi quota quotas list -v (list all quotas and the space used)

isi auth ads list (list all active directories attached PER ZONE)

isi auth ads trusts view <--provider=( … ad, ldap, or local)>

isi auth view (lists all authentication providers AD, LDAP, local)

isi auth ads user view (--sid xxx or userid)

isi devices (to check the drives status of the node you are on)

isi_for_array -s isi devices |grep -vi healthy (this will show you all the failed drives)

isi devices -d 10:11 -a add (manually add a drive in after it is replaced)
isi events <quiet/cancel> all (close/cancel all alerts)

isi networks list pools -v



isi sync policy list -w

isi sync status
isi sync jobs list

isi sync jobs report


isi job status (shows running jobs)

isi smb session list (per node)

isi auth ads time --sync (rarely used)

isi services -a (Restart and view services)


isi_hw_status (lots of info on the hardware of the isilon cluster/node)

isi batterystatus (per node)
battery 1 : Good (10)
battery 2 : Good (10)



isi statistics pstat

isi statistics client --orderby=ops –top

isi statistics client --protocols=smb1

isi statistics client --protocols=smb2

isi statistics query --nodes=all --stats=node.disk.xfers.rate.sum --degraded --top

isi statistics drive --nodes=all --long --orderby=TimeInQ,Queued,TimeAvg --degraded --top


Stop giving us errors about nodes not in export list

isi_sysctl_cluster vfs.nfs.alert_mount_fail_throttle_count=0

isi_for_array -s killall -HUP mountd


Re-number nodes:

isi config

lnn 1 2 #changes node 1 to node 2



isi config (config mode, BE CAREFUL)

reboot/shutdown 2 (node#)

shutdown -p now (from the node you want to turn off)


Restart the front panel display for use after changing node names or such

isi_for_array -s 'isi_lcd_d restart'


Smart fail a drive
isi devices -a smartfail -d 2

# isi status will show whether or not the job completed and failed out node 2.

isi status -q

# also monitor the active jobs

isi job jobs list

isilon1-1# isi job jobs list

ID Type State Impact Pri Phase Running Time


8386 FlexProtect Running Medium 1 1/6 27m


Total: 1